Writer. Gamer. Truth Seeker. Voluntaryist/Ancap. I do all I can to help scratch the state from existence, through reasoning and encouraging people to free their own minds from the lies they've been told since childhood.
Following (7)
the_nfe |
sachairi |
volunterry |
57855574553 |
joeyauburn |
helicoptercat |
darklovecraft Atlas |
Followers (9)
karozagorus Karo Zagorus |
capthulu Capthulu |
darklovecraft Atlas |
coycynt |
the_nfe |
sachairi |
volunterry |
helicoptercat |
sylveonbae |
Browse others (15)
michelm Michel Muurmans |
ktangpap Kai |
brunuh Bruno Miguel Santos |
celestegrace Celeste |
gabriel403 Gabriel Baker |
donsizemore Don Sizemore |
mathis1994 Mathis van der Linden |