Andrew Fergusson
Data munger working in the civil service. Enjoys python, sql, long walks on the beach. Hates waterfall development, change boards, and VBA.
Manchester, UK
Following (15)
owenblacker Owen Blacker |
martymcfly Martyn Bristow |
andrebackeby Andrew Backeby |
rowleyaj Alex Rowley |
mattcheetham Matthew Dean Cheetham |
biadosaru Daniel Joshua Beardsall |
bmatb Ben Britton |
benjstephenson Benji Stephenson |
jamgregory James Gregory-Monk |
matttheotter Matthew Carter |
Followers (14)
matttheotter Matthew Carter |
owenblacker Owen Blacker |
mathewcropper Mathew Cropper |
karileesi Kari Callahan |
biadosaru Daniel Joshua Beardsall |
harrydenokkos |
zheolconanop Andogskiy Foka |
martymcfly Martyn Bristow |
rowleyaj Alex Rowley |
jamgregory James Gregory-Monk |
Browse others (15)
bardmardle Brad Menchl |
memerenok vasily memerenok |
davars Dave Jack |
nikki408 Nichole Crumpler |
stephannutrien Stephan Fitzpatrick |
irrhiza Iris Rhiza |
sdahdah Steven Dahdah |
danielepolencic Daniele Polencic |
juanblanco Juan Blanco |
teliacom Niklas Wahlström |
yuris Yuri Sagalov |