Angelique Hirsh
Ensuring the proper use of collaborative processes and removing impediments for the scrum team.
Following (2)
underscorephil Phil Jackson |
mort Richard Mortier |
Followers (4)
davidp0418 David Pearson |
lulu11 |
ellylissauer Elly Lissauer |
philiprandmap Randmaa Philip |
Browse others (15)
abakun Kornel Jewuła |
totux Christian Daschner |
danmedin Daniel Medin |
ionaserser Iona Serbanescu |
pearcejeani9 Pearce Jean |
dcramer David Cramer |
lapshin Aleksey Lapshin |
d1v3n Matthew Glassford |
gotwalt Aaron Gotwalt |
civil Vladimir Smirnov |
lenorudniaylah Lenorud Niaylah |