Non-profit, public interest website dedicated to exposing and ending polygraph-related waste, fraud, and abuse.
Following (8)
micahflee Micah Lee |
lucky225 Lucky225 |
publicintel Public Intelligence |
declan Declan McCullagh |
yawnbox Christopher Sheats |
agreenberg Andy Greenberg |
fj Frederic Jacobs |
dguido Dan Guido |
Followers (3)
rafiyuddin Rafiyuddin |
jenonymous_ |
lucky225 Lucky225 |
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markas4you Markas Vsiliauskas |
abuelhassan Mohamed Amr |
sabian223 Dave Litherland |
aysbg Bogdan Gavrilovic |
mvargasvega Martin Vargas Vega |
yosri Yosri Ben Mahfoudh |
borntyping Sam Clements |