Willie Hardman
Ask yourself why @bryce was able to find (and activate) a good % of folks focused on diversity in tech yet VC firms & large tech firms in SF can’t find anyone for boards, to invest in, or to work with in general. 🙄
Followers (4)
recycle4future |
ajoismara Andrea Joismar Garcia |
baako Oheema Perh |
bbogatii2ksx1 Aracely Lowy |
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bapimusaszhal Ermolov Yuriy |
mykyta Alex Mykyta |
michaellopez Michael Zetterberg fd. Lopez |
angeliquehirsh Angelique Hirsh |
m110 Miłosz Smółka |
davemack Dave Mackmiller |
sunnyh Sunny Hsiao |
ernestolr Ernesto Lopez Roig |
joeljamieson Joel Jamieson |