Bram Jungnitz
My passion for design & experience across multiple areas means I can make informed decisions and have an in-depth understanding, which allows me to channel my creativity.
Following (4)
fabioolive Fábio Olivé Leite |
ohhoe Rachel White |
adaptive Hugo Romano |
eastdakota Matthew Prince |
Followers (3)
zhapanisabrabn Lodygin Makariy |
dyup Volkonskiy Lazar |
auriana Auriana Thomas |
Browse others (15)
collectioncard Thomas Wessel |
arley Arley Lewis |
saldy_bcovey Saldy Macargas |
nerrixde nerrix |
johnharden0 John Harden |
kevindurb Kevin Durbin |
stefanpopp Stefan Popp |
mag1cm0n Mag1cM0n |
jreece13 johann reece |
rhysyrhys Rhys Davies |