Ashley Schofield
I am a 36 year old mom to a four year old. I have time, resources, and privilege. I'm here to listen and learn how I can show up for our community ✌🏼✊🏼
SW Portland
Following (4)
benjivuong BadVrong |
only2be Rhys |
unicornfartspdx |
snackbloc_midori SB_MIDORI |
Followers (8)
nitas01 |
zuzuspetals |
slugmom |
majustice Megan |
jujubee Juju Bee |
blakey86 Blake |
benjivuong BadVrong |
beckah Fred Hampton Clinic |
Browse others (15)
paulfariello Paul Fariello |
senjan Thomas |
efeldhusen Eric Feldhusen |
rcasaleiro Rui Casaleiro |
deplorable Miss M |
michaelc Michael Chapman |
siu4coders David S |
mmmmaike Maike Orlikowski |
btc_stage Roger Gibson |
helloimdannychu Danny Chu |
abstrctn Michael Strickland |