Björn Schießle
Coordinator Germany & board member @FSFE; co-founder of Nextcloud. I use Keybase only to make it easier for you to verify my GnuPG key and online identities. If you want to contact me see
Stuttgart, Germany
Followers (47)
erack Eike Rathke |
marquisinpro Marquis Lamont Roseberry |
w1n5l0w Marius |
patrickhanft Patrick Hanft |
bananadiller Ewan Carter |
kellergerda1 Anton Fuhrmann |
thestive Diana Grunewald |
borispenrod Boris Penrod |
aidenparker James Kelly |
laurenrogers Mia Williams |
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ninavp Nina Varming-Petersen |
ccballew Cory Ballew |
jcnich John N |
dark_unicorn Kristina Antonova |
slozada Sebastián Lozada |
jaapstronks Jaap Stronks |
claire21 Bertrand Delmas |
nat_plume Nat Flowers |
little_gorilla gorilla |
edwinwee Edwin Wee |
bkostadinovic Bojan Kostadinovic |
alishanara Alisha Narington |
lucianstroie Lucian-Adrian Stroie |
ssm Stig Sandbeck Mathisen |