co-Founder, CEO of UNISOT, SeafoodChain and Norway Bitcoin & Blockchain Association
Oslo, Norway
Following (12)
shludvigsen Stein Håvard Ludvigsen |
tbktn Thomas Bakketun |
kyuupichan Neil Booth |
andrewstone Andrew Stone |
peterrizun Peter R |
dgenr8 Tom Harding |
danconnolly Daniel Connolly |
dagur Dagur Valberg |
vegardmunthe Vegard Munthe |
gh0sthack3r Gh0stHack3r |
Followers (7)
deepdish71 |
vegardmunthe Vegard Munthe |
gh0sthack3r Gh0stHack3r |
kyuupichan Neil Booth |
dagur Dagur Valberg |
enorm Fredrik Normann |
tbktn Thomas Bakketun |
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