Brett Jones (deactivated)
Talk to me in private or not-so-private on Discord blockloop#7204
Zoom has purchased Keybase and therefore undermined any idea of security.
Following (31)
kemal Kemal Akkoyun |
itripn Ron Forrester |
yaaase Mark Billie |
bhcleek Billie Cleek |
sneakpizzasprclb Eric Wolinetz |
thorhansen Thor Hansen |
scottcrawford Scott Crawford |
hugocorbucci Hugo Corbucci |
mattflo Matt Florence |
zackan9na |
Followers (24)
brenku |
nstefan Stefan |
scottcrawford Scott Crawford |
itripn Ron Forrester |
bsnyder788 Brett Snyder |
yaaase Mark Billie |
velocipede_rider Keith |
sneakpizzasprclb Eric Wolinetz |
hoenn Evan Mena |
kemal Kemal Akkoyun |
Browse others (15)
mythmon Michael Cooper |
ravindk89 Ravind |
simonvc Simon Vans-Colina |
fengyuxiangyun xiangyunfengyu |
gurukyuu Vamsi Vishnubhotla |
montrealvip Montreal Limos VIP |
sr_naranja Alberto |
angelsamano Angel Samano |
reidar Reidar |
susanna_amatuni Susanna Amatuni |