Stuart Mumford
Solar Physicist, and lead developer of the SunPy project.
Earth (most of the time)
Following (11)
schriste Steven D. Christe |
trobitaille Thomas Robitaille |
allanjude Allan Jude |
kaythaney Kaitlin Thaney |
ibab Igor Babuschkin |
blahah Richard Smith-Unna |
raoofphysics Achintya Rao |
abbycabs Abigail Cabunoc Mayes |
xarthisius Kacper Kowalik |
dfm |
Followers (5)
annas45690 Anna Smith |
adrn adrian price-whelan |
schriste Steven D. Christe |
raoofphysics Achintya Rao |
matthewturk Matthew J. Turk |
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sofiavargas Sofia |
amulraj Amulraj David |
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hugoroy Hugo Roy |
f404 forbidden |
tad0 tAd |
l4sfj4 Daryant N |
robsonmafra Robson Mafra |
securitysown Protection Proliferated |
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