Elba Dement
Wondering why #Twitter has been blocked in Vietnam whilst the social media has never become a mainstream in my country yet.
Following (4)
nb_ Nicolas Bouilleaud |
merry_hy |
franceos_fr franceos |
ganhesemgastar Adriano Martins |
Browse others (15)
malcommajesty Malcolm Emmanuel |
nelmosilhy Nader Elmosilhy |
xacrimon Joel Wejdenstål |
3rg4f4 3rg4f4 |
jonathanirvings Jonathan Irvin Gunawan |
tsbr Tom Bereal |
lucvan36 Luc van den Wittenboer |
michael_hoppal Michael Hoppal |
omgkellyt Kelly Thurman |
androgamand772 Sandstryom Roger |
hershsingh Hersh Singh |
christinet Christine To |
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