Chris Roth
Creating Thoughtful Finance. Part of the founding team at Teachable and built DoubleBlinded. Currently deep in the depths of React Native. Obsessed with end-to-end encryption and design.
New York City
Following (35)
wbond Will Bond |
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hankthered VBHank |
freontom Tom Fressle |
the_rainmaker The Rain Maker ) |
bobstanley Bob Stanley |
bryanj4 Jacob William Bryan |
skinnymon T. Budd |
mikeonfire Michael Nimetz |
erikaharris Erika Harris |
Followers (12)
motiurrahman Motiur rahman |
zenniegraxe Zennie Grace |
evstatheos |
pasm15 Alfonso Meister |
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albert04 albert ifeyin |
tymongg Rafał Stróżacki |
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icarusrises Josh Fullen |
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becket beckett osifo |
themiguelamador Miguel Amador |
gsp Gian-Simon Purkert |
count_zero jessica jones |
phx_blnz Phoenix |
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