Daniel Long Sockwell
Lawyer-turned-programmer with an interest web development, open source, and making things as simple as possible.
Following (6)
mikestone Mike Stone |
kevq Kev Quirk |
timapple Tim Apple |
josephdefazio Joseph DeFazio |
pla Patrick L Archibald (PLA) |
linuxliaison Brandon Nolet |
Followers (29)
ianvatega ian Vatega |
lig Serge Matveenko |
kevq Kev Quirk |
mikestone Mike Stone |
hax0rcist ᴇʟ ᴇxᴄᴏʀᴄɪꜱᴛᴀ |
thomaslandin Thomas Landin |
olahantal Aron Hegedus |
zeldagoodwin Zelda Goodwin |
papetom Norbert Jasinska |
ezemanniezelee Eze Uchechukwu |
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jakagray87 Jaka Gray |
ludvigjonss Menaker Torben |
tudormincu Tudor Mincu |
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axdqefkaqaxwq Sofia Kovacs |
thetimeisnow Ruth |
tony16 Antoniq Marinova |
jeffreyj Jeff Johnson |
seanplusplus Sean Stephenson |
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