Connor Hicks
Developer of apps, learner of things, lover of tech
Ottawa, ON
Following (16)
agilebits AgileBits, Inc. |
megsobrien Megan Pauls-O'Brien |
evacatherder Eva Schweber |
shiner Jeffrey Shiner |
kyleswank Kyle Swank |
kevinbhayes Kevin Hayes |
verde Michael Verde |
mangochutney Alex Hoffmann |
rickfillion Rick Fillion |
khad Khad Young |
Followers (21)
jshbz Josh Betz |
claylo Clay Loveless |
jasonmfry Jason Fry |
coderhoades Jeremy Rhoades |
generation_n Nathan Witvoet |
adampike Adam Pike |
jxpx777 Jamie Phelps |
tapi Paddy O'Brien |
andylincoln Andy Lincoln |
Browse others (15)
naidenger57 Naiden Gerov |
m8ttyb Matt Brandt |
alexnaish Alex Naish |
dannychapman Daniel John Chapman |
masonrowan Mason rowan |
tonyplatformsh Tony Greising-Murschel |
vdsp VDSP Crypto |
mvillegas John Michael Villegas |
mmcfarland Matt McFarland |
dankeg Ganesh Danke |
pwh_1984 pwh.xch |
riia Riia Huttunen |