Student + artful activist trying to rally University students into the movement and bring life/art/music to the movement. Creating community & a New Story people want to be a part of! A revolution of love and care. Be bold. Dream. Feel. Express. Connect
Following (5)
fern18 |
krysryan Krys |
zaviergrimm |
orwell Angry |
wuchii Shaylon |
Followers (4)
tacomaxr |
msr7796 wintersun |
zaviergrimm |
orwell Angry |
Browse others (14)
reinerfritz Irina Brunner |
patrik77 Thomas Young |
daddy_crowell Crowell |
bastos Tiago Bastos da Silva |
arzschocke Arnd Zschocke |
uibeka Uchenna Ibeka |
marcioscharam Marcio Luiz Scharam |
minecrell Minecrell |
newtonz Melinda wells |
paigefnmallory Paige Mallory |
fowlball1010 Cory Fowler |
trishben Trish Benningfield |
michaelkebe Michael Kebe |