David Meade
A geek of many flavors: information security professional, musician, ham radio operator, private pilot, defender of the weak, protector of the innocent, and role model to millions of children everywhere.
(those last three to a measurably smaller degree)
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Following (6)
hawaii Ryan Ozawa |
lisarein Lisa Rein |
jkinser Jesse Kinser |
coolbeancrock Matt |
indygwyn Thomas W. Holt Jr. |
chris Chris Coyne |
Followers (7)
hawaii Ryan Ozawa |
chip Chip Wolf |
adamalex Adam Alexander |
coolbeancrock Matt |
indygwyn Thomas W. Holt Jr. |
ashermaximum Asher Max Schweigart |
chris Chris Coyne |
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daliaerwin Dalia Erwin |
bopitmaster8 Cain Kaiser |
safemail_devops Safemail Devops |
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