David Gouveia
Security Researcher | Automation Engineer | DevOps advocate | IoT hobbyist
Porto, Portugal
Following (7)
rui Rui Pedro Lima |
andreferreirav2 |
picadoh Hugo Picado |
phcrva Pedro Araujo |
carneiro Pedro Carneiro |
kintoandar Joel - Moved to Signal |
ruizink Mário Rui Santos |
Followers (8)
jgois Jorge Góis |
nfonseca1975 Nuno Fonseca |
joaocpinto João C. Pinto |
jvale João Vale |
carneiro Pedro Carneiro |
phcrva Pedro Araujo |
ruizink Mário Rui Santos |
kintoandar Joel - Moved to Signal |
Browse others (14)
overaktiv overaktiv |
tatsujin Chase Ewing |
eemmllyy Em N |
lisafosterlee Lisa Foster Lee |
lukeuke Luke James |
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albertomp81 Alberto |
olaechea79 Hernan olaechea |
coolantleak Coolant Leak |