DevOps Rob
Platform Automation Architect. Security enthusiast and general technologist doing my part to build a better autonomous world
East Grinstead
Following (36)
lashel |
ishdevops |
justaugustus Stephen Augustus |
brendandburns Brendan Burns |
onlydole Taylor James Dolezal |
preethaa Preetha Appan |
deepybee Dan Palmer-Bancel |
reactorleak Jon Schulman |
masahozan Grishhuk Havronya |
cvaughn88 Chip Vaughn |
Followers (15)
dmitryok Dmitry |
onlydole Taylor James Dolezal |
tracypholmes miss holmes |
dlectronique devopsdomi |
cvaughn88 Chip Vaughn |
deepybee Dan Palmer-Bancel |
ksatirli Kerim Satirli |
nimatel Ivan Zupancic |
basmeijer Bas Meijer |
Browse others (14)
pdschubert Philipp Dominik Schubert |
inhocho Inho Cho |
brengamgee Brent |
brandonfancher Brandon Fancher |
kyiap Kevin Yiap |
garebear Gary Roland |
sgaze Samuel GAZE |
jporten John Porten |
bgola Bruno Gola |
pikachyfan Pica Masa |
janetvr4 Janet |