Constitutionalist, CS Nerd, Patriot, Pilot of anything that flies #jestersarmy
Following (3)
imlibertyspeaks Liberty Speaks |
ssgladyred LadyRd_06 |
th3j35t3r JΞSŦΞR ✪ ΔCŦUAL³³º¹ |
Followers (10)
usama_backhair G Frost |
cerebralmischief Eric Brown |
sci_umbra SCI_Umbra |
cyberpatriot Cyber Patriot |
blackwingbear Darren Lee Mitton |
apsuche Sarah Elizabeth |
kfalconspb Scott Bollinger |
ssgladyred LadyRd_06 |
th3j35t3r JΞSŦΞR ✪ ΔCŦUAL³³º¹ |
griffgriff Griffin |
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panduhbean julio martinez |
powers_chris Chris Powers |
davidhnulogy David Hong |
tobyn Tobyn Dockerill |
xugrace Grace Xu |
eth0net Elliot Thomas |
tanviantoo Tanvi Antoo |
doyunsazhomin Golovachyov Akentiy |
hlaguna Humberto Laguna |
crey4fun Tim Woocker |