Edwin Rutsch
Facebook https://facebook.com/edwin.rutsch
Bio: http://j.mp/JJ56r7
International XR Empathy Circles Work Group
Center for Building a Culture of Empathy
El Cerrito, CA
Following (8)
gaiawarrior Allen |
calista_71 |
pmarmite Philip Morton |
foxsociology John Fox |
gillianf Terry Fletcher |
maraselkie |
xrjeeper |
blairwolf |
Browse others (15)
notarybot Notary Bot |
greendream N1c0 |
jillianmary_kj Jillian Mary, House of Cameron |
sheenz Shina R |
bloominsurance Bloom Insurance Agency |
pierrevdk Pierre Vandekerckhove |
salkonuhanovic Salko Nuhanovic |
karlah Karla H |
lemur99 Levon Muradyan |