Steve Phillips
Enabling secure, large-scale activism via encrypted task management and more as Founder of EffectiveAF.
Organizing privacy hackathons via CypherpunksWriteCode.com .
I love democratizing forces and revolutionary projects.
San Francisco, CA
Following (107)
yas1n Yasin Shuman |
adutchlife |
garretjames G |
antagonismorg Patrick R McDonald |
jnny Jenny Ryan |
shevski Irina Bolychevsky |
lovevolv Charles Blass |
dilgreen Dil Green |
robert_best Robert Best |
maparent Marc-Antoine Parent |
Followers (130)
yas1n Yasin Shuman |
spydoggie Spy Doggie |
nealr Neal Rauhauser |
kimiko Kimiko Gianopoulos |
danarauz Daniel Arauz |
jeremypm Jeremy Meyer |
kinnardian הראל |
garretjames G |
stilton54 Mark Cheesman |
dianneskafte Dianne Skafte |
Browse others (15)
inesvalentim Inês Valentim |
naifu Shiro |
jaehoonchoi Jaehoon Choi |
trathje Tobias Rathje |
meilingandrew Andrew Meiling |
bnoah_exactuals Brian Noah |