Eric Herman
Free Software and Open Hardware hacker and do-it-from-scratch-er exploring a strange and wondrous universe.
Utrecht, Netherlands
Following (15)
damogar David Moreno |
reyjrar Brad Lhotsky |
fallenpegasus Mark Atwood |
morgo Morgan Tocker |
b10m B10m |
jeremycole Jeremy Cole |
maze maze |
manuelgomes Manuel Gomes |
kroepke Kay Röpke |
bytebot Colin Charles |
Followers (15)
rheedoh |
ainmosni Daniël Franke |
kesezhkab Zhukovskiy Pavel |
wintercastle Karita Uppa |
reyjrar Brad Lhotsky |
damogar David Moreno |
moscolin MOSE |
fallenpegasus Mark Atwood |
Browse others (15)
ashtron Ashton Conor Treby Playsted |
johnnylee Johnny Lee |
krizovanatalie Natalie Krizova |
pirola François Pirola |
tkh44 Kye Hohenberger |
yangzhongwei 杨忠伟 Zhongwei Yang |
olgakarmansky Olga Karmansky |
jamitter Matthew Jones |
ehsanali2727 Ehsan Ali |
gater_byte Gater_Byte |
as_justis Justinas Gražulis |