Francisco Neves
A mix of developer, researcher and human being.
Guimarães, Portugal
Following (7)
dcsg Daniel Gomes |
gabrielpoca Gabriel Poça |
martinhoaragao Martinho Aragão |
pfac Pedro Costa |
iportugal Isabel Portugal |
ruiribeiro Rui Miguel |
fribmendes Fernando Mendes |
Followers (8)
miki66 |
detocqueville |
hugo_goncalves Hugo Gonçalves |
nelsonmestevao Nelson Estevão |
martinhoaragao Martinho Aragão |
bernas João Bernardo Costa |
fribmendes Fernando Mendes |
ruiribeiro Rui Miguel |
Browse others (15)
dpwesb DPW ESB |
dannybuntu Daniel Andrei R. Garcia |
syedali786 Syed Abad Ali |
htilly Henrik Tilly |
dylanfmcconnell Dylan McConnell |
blomjohn Solbritt Lindstrm |
wilko Spenneth |
tinasuran Tina Šuran |
hotous Hoto Cocoa |
vip8aik2oh Eric Koenig |