François Hubaut
Start admin on NT4 , do Firewall admin for 3 years (not my best memory)
Make some rootme and crackme for fun.
Soc analyst and does a bit of python and rust
Following (7)
nasbench Nasreddine Bencherchali |
cpasmoa |
thomaspatzke Thomas Patzke |
sifex Alex |
secdre4mer Max Altgelt |
wagga |
johngalt Florian Roth |
Followers (6)
cpasmoa |
sifex Alex |
nasbench Nasreddine Bencherchali |
phantinuss Christian Burkard |
wagga |
thomaspatzke Thomas Patzke |
Browse others (12)
jvetter Jaime Vetter |
maryalln Mary A. Allen |
serc Andrew Franklin |
zamyatin Raj Singh |
claire_pang Claire Pang |
cronus James Loope |
acv Alex C. Viana |
corrinafink Fink |