Greg L. Turnquist
Wicked fan, test-bitten script junky & Spring developer @Pivotal, blogger, and dad. Co-Founder of Nashville JUG @
Clarksville, TN USA
Following (44)
caseywest |
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kbastani Kenny Bastani |
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lawouach Sylvain Hellegouarch |
mkheck Mark Heckler |
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vpavic Vedran Pavic |
herder Niklas Herder |
jtravis Jon Travis |
Followers (41)
juanprado Juan P. Prado |
cfieber Cameron Fieber |
refnode Sven Wilhelm |
dquintela Diogo Bacelar Quintela |
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orrieodri Orrie Odri |
isaiascollier Edgardo Morissette |
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chrishursty Chris Hursty |
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chrisastall Chris Astall |
jolandapolson Jolanda Polson |
setyamickala Setya Mickala |
skanct Christos Kanellopoulos |
karulosdecar Karu |
nynymike Michael Schwartz |