Romain Bazile
Project Leader at Ocean Trotter, a round the world sailing trip to talk about our oceans.
Toulouse, France
Following (5)
molivier Matthieu OLIVIER |
dclauzel Damien Clauzel |
manhack Jean-Marc Manach |
laurent_chemla Laurent Chemla |
bortzmeyer Stéphane Bortzmeyer |
Followers (1)
jianhuanfit Jia Huang |
Browse others (15)
bumquist Dr. L. Ron Bumquist |
neesapmed Borodavkina Yuliya |
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robgmills Rob Mills |
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notarealfox Milo Polley |
jaylonekvpbe Jaylon Bethers |
eryk_911 Eryk Kluszka |
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steefan Stefan Condurachi |
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