Ian Evans
Polyglot full-stack web and embedded systems developer specializing in Python, Linux systems, and JavaScript.
Following (7)
unchow |
erwheeler Evan Wheeler |
bwinterling Brian Winterling |
theabraham Ibrahim Al-Rajhi |
ronwilliams Ron Williams |
saurabhde |
jsatt Jeremy Satterfield |
Followers (5)
unchow |
erwheeler Evan Wheeler |
theabraham Ibrahim Al-Rajhi |
ronwilliams Ron Williams |
jsatt Jeremy Satterfield |
Browse others (15)
jcapayne John Payne |
gbastkowski Gunnar Bastkowski |
freundflorian Florian Freund |
martionex Jordi van Os |
dr_escaper Bronislav Píka |
thecatalyst I'm me. |
tohitsugu Ian French |
hardolaf Joseph Warner |
parkhill Rob Parkhill |
rheapath Rhea Pathak |
mcollier Marcus Collier |
jongee921 Jonathan Galea |
znewcomb Zoe Newcomb |