Joshua Ballanco
Formerly of Apple, I currently write software to solve all manner of interesting problems. I work and live in Miami with my beautiful wife and two kids.
Coral Gables, FL
Following (24)
gkritsot Georgios Kritsotakis |
tinco Tinco Andringa |
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venantius David Jarvis |
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byk Burak Yigit Kaya |
clayallsopp Clay Allsopp |
Followers (19)
gkritsot Georgios Kritsotakis |
localbtc9k |
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marksimpleglobal Mark Rosenberg |
thomvil Thomas Villa |
venantius David Jarvis |
thibaultml Thibault Martin-Lagardette |
byk Burak Yigit Kaya |
nbrosnahan Nick Brosnahan |
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