Juan Carlos Lopez Tavera
I design and deliver Data, Analytics and AI tools and processes for startups and Fortune 500 companies to help them solve complex problems and answer hard questions.
Following (15)
herasmo |
cmblanc0 |
carlosinz Carlos Inzunza |
artsist Aturo Gudiño Chong |
xteven Steven Román. |
legallab Cypherpunk lawyers |
generativist John Bjorn Nelson |
davidgm David García Martínez |
spacedrop Stellar Space Drop |
hellobot Hello Bot |
Followers (3)
carlosinz Carlos Inzunza |
herasmo |
generativist John Bjorn Nelson |
Browse others (14)
koenca Koen Castermans |
francoiskha François Kha |
snowflower Alina Peretjagina |
mquainoo Michael Quainoo |
ptkrm Lino Nava |
c0p Jeraldy Cascayan |
banfieldsimon142 Simon Banfield |
ryanw Ryan Wehe |
ohnit Nitin Malik |
rj Richard Jones |