Jorge Chato
Born in Spain and bred in The Internet. Hacker, free culture & AI lover. My name is Jorge (ホルヘ) and coding is the sauce of my life.
Following (15)
martiano Antonio Martinez |
smorte Santiago Morte |
cespeale Alejandro Cespedes |
sergiocampos Sergio Campos Corredera |
fuste David Fustero |
zordor |
sanzalb Alberto Sanz |
juanluisgisasi Juan Luis |
recuencojones David Recuenco |
leptom Rafa García. |
Browse others (14)
legrand Mathieu Legrand |
edsol18 Ed Solovey |
oreohund Ayumi Yoshida |
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piotrkujawa Piotr Kujawa |
gmenzel Gabriel Nowicka |
andreis Andrei Simionescu |
atomicg Anthony Emeka |