Justine Schott
I’ve never been one to take facts at face value, which is why I’ve been drawn to analytics. My dream is to bring a positive impact to our community by creating data-driven insights that power change.
Alameda, CA
Following (38)
denkflowrr Raffaelina Rossetti |
steven_ganz Steven Ganz |
smsfr |
abdo1 Abdalrhman Mostafa |
riyagupta |
ttrieu Terry Trieu |
kmalhotra Kanchan Malhotra |
jasonlarkin84 Jason Larkin |
slambertftw Steven Lambert |
marapples Marie Applegate-Swanson |
Followers (30)
rixieman222 |
alexto Alex Barnes |
stephensillett Floydie-woof |
jennhuff |
kad179 Katherine Dash |
dumnokte Alina Belova |
hemanthbantwal Hemanth Bantwal |
riyagupta |
ttrieu Terry Trieu |
steven_ganz Steven Ganz |
Browse others (15)
theharlotfelon George Guerrero |
valorpvp Adam Stevenson |
ectsoft Edgardo C Tolentino |
pevyu Bychkov Kazimir |
mgrzybowski Mateusz Grzybowski |
rileymillar Riley Millar |
rcornish6591gmai Richard A Cornish |
olcheezy Carlo |