Jim McGregor
Since I saw my first video game machine, sometime around 1981, (pacman or galaga – can’t recall which ) I have loved technology. None of us had any idea where it would go from that point to where we are today, Some hate change. I love it!
Sydney Australia
Following (9)
sblaydes Scott Blaydes |
gnarlybob Chris Woods |
vlmcgregor Vicki McGregor |
jtsmith0101 James T Smith |
mortenkjarulff Morten Kjærulff |
chris Chris Coyne |
max Max Krohn |
jzila John Zila |
minhthuandng Duong Minh Thuan |
Followers (8)
vlmcgregor Vicki McGregor |
gnarlybob Chris Woods |
ddak |
sblaydes Scott Blaydes |
minhthuandng Duong Minh Thuan |
jmainusch Joe Mainusch |
jtsmith0101 James T Smith |
mortenkjarulff Morten Kjærulff |
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