Joey Yakimowich-Payne
I'm a software developer. I like video games and space, and probably video games about space or being in space while playing games.
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Following (4)
ryan_irl Ryan Leland |
udia Alexander Wong |
markgalloway Mark Galloway |
dekim Mike du Heaume |
Followers (5)
vileroundish Jayme Quade |
udia Alexander Wong |
markgalloway Mark Galloway |
dekim Mike du Heaume |
ryan_irl Ryan Leland |
Browse others (14)
andrewnutrien Andrew Haglund |
robi42 Robert Thurnher |
ddot_itd DDOT ITD |
unclebenny Benson Chuang |
madmike86 Mike |
magnus_sig Justin B |
shap Dillon Shapiro |
gtailhardat Arverneo |
arly Emmely de Neve |
storhaye Storhaye |
xel666 Xel v.666 |