Khalid T.
Husband. Sysadmin. Father. Developer. LEGO builder. I also build stuff on AWS with JavaScript (Node.js, React.js and React Native).
13th Floor
Following (34)
sehnaoui Khalil Sehnaoui |
wbm Whitney Merrill |
hacks4pancakes Lesley Carhart |
kosamari |
ranman Randall Hunt |
felt Adrienne Porter Felt |
irimawi |
rlerdorf Rasmus Lerdorf |
chip Chip Wolf |
filippo Filippo Valsorda |
Followers (3)
sarahgomes91 Sara Gomes |
adelafowle4b2n lAdela Fowle |
chip Chip Wolf |
Browse others (15)
brenna8 Brenna F |
baltimorehacker Patrick McGuire |
chrisdewar Chris Dewar |
tormala Tor Mala |
sacrebleujayy Jay |