Lars Eggert
Lars Eggert is Technical Director for Networking in NetApp’s Office of the CTO. He also chairs the IRTF.
Munich, Germany
Following (20)
chip Chip Wolf |
martinthomson Martin Thomson |
keithw Keith Winstein |
drbruced Bruce Davie |
nilsohlmeier Nils Ohlmeier |
cfluffy Cullen Jennings |
zourzouvillys Theo Zourzouvillys |
mallman Mark Allman |
klindqvist Kurtis Lindqvist |
simonas559 Simon Leinen |
Followers (50)
randyqx Randy Bush |
kolkman Olaf Kolkman |
mort Richard Mortier |
drbruced Bruce Davie |
bford Bryan Ford |
seanmartin Sean Martin |
odeliajamtmc Odelia Mcilwraith |
rikat100 Adam |
Browse others (14)
martyna Martyna |
staceytherebel Anne Stacey |
william5553 William |
la23ng Lars Immisch |
veranikalino Veranika Lino |
philblackknight Phil Black-Knight |
madmarky marky |
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julialouise Julia |
santostefanus Santo Stefanus |