Marcus Vinicius
Marcus knew Bitcoin in 2014. Cardano Ambassador. He held the first event in Brazil :brazil: with direct participation of the Cardano project. He holds a degree in Economic Science from FCE /UERJ university.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Following (17)
redoracle Red Oracle |
ourostech |
mattodell Matt Odell |
wiz |
samourai Samourai Wallet |
bashco bashco |
samdefreze Sam |
samouraidev TDevD |
aantonop Andreas M. Antonopoulos |
hashoshi4 Forrest |
Followers (10)
bigbearyp |
redoracle Red Oracle |
rick_mccracken Richard McCracken |
rdlrt Priyank |
katsumot0 |
junsikchoi Jun-Sik Choi |
mazafaka miro |
omar_1412 Omar Herrera |
ninjanoel noel |
jasonkeith Jason Keith |
Browse others (15)
jmaillet Joris Maillet |
decaycorp Decay Corp. |
zurab Zurab Baratashvili |
nlupien Nick |
fornwall Fredrik Fornwall |
474f523935 Geoff O Rourke |
logeroamrom1994 Logero Amrom |
amypaul Amaka Pauline |
jennever Joe Ennever |
sdcopeland Shawn Copeland |
kirgidis Georgios Kyrgidis |
vikitah Maria victoria Hernández Torres |