Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader since 2014. Before that, academic computing / HPC sysadmin at Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Before that, sysadmin and lead for Boston University Linux (at, of course, Boston University.)
Boston, Massachusetts
Following (12)
vsroka Valerie Sroka |
dkirwan David Kirwan |
paulds Paul Stauffer |
cliffperry Cliff Perry |
jonatoni Jona Azizaj |
vbatts Vincent Batts |
bexelbie Brian bex Exelbierd |
larsks Lars Kellogg-Stedman |
minifig Suz Eaton |
fibblesnork Todd Lehman |
Followers (77)
whoami40 whoami40 |
toddwarner todd warner |
str8edgedave David Yaffe |
fibblesnork Todd Lehman |
paulds Paul Stauffer |
vsroka Valerie Sroka |
dkirwan David Kirwan |
lipanisec Brandon Lipani |
osint_intel OSINT Tactical C3n7ral051nt4g3ncy |
bytehackr Sandipan Roy |
Browse others (15)
zenobiag Zenobia Godschalk |
markengelberg Mark Engelberg |
dormilona nani |
agisanast Agis Anastasopoulos |
gabriel_rinaldi Gabriel Rinaldi |
rrrkren Eric Ren |
andjalakinidol Andjelika Jankovic |
magnusgebhard1 Benjamin Fuhrmann |
joecampbell Joe Campbell |
gfas javi |