Matthias Bussonnier
Matthias is a French Physicist with PhD in Biophysic. Core developer on the IPython and Jupyter project.
Merced, CA
Following (26)
camillecarvalho Camille Carvalho |
scopatz Anthony Scopatz |
nad Ned Deily |
mlgill Michelle Gill |
ericmjl Eric Ma |
ocefpaf Filipe Fernandes |
darian A. T. Darian |
tomaugspurger Tom Augspurger |
choldgraf |
mstobb Michael Stobb |
Followers (22)
u7j2x0h ... at this point it's an IQ Test |
camillecarvalho Camille Carvalho |
ambv Łukasz Langa |
sgibson91 Sarah Gibson |
davclark Dav Clark |
xmnlab Ivan Ogasawara |
scopatz Anthony Scopatz |
mlgill Michelle Gill |
gilforsyth Gil Forsyth |
pharshalp Harshal Prakash Patankar |
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lsinclair lisa |
leoviegas Leo |
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