crypto trader💯, not a social media person🤗
moving through the lows and highs of this amazing life💙
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kennethgriffin kenneth Griffin |
elonmuskx Elon R. Musk 🎖️ |
dysiode Patrick Kennedy |
brianhicks Brian Hicks |
mahteusmachado Mateus Marques da Silva Machado |
jens_seidel330 Jens F Seidel |
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deadraven Pro Tech |
franz1990 Franz Mauer |
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alinraileanu Alin Răileanu |
roneil Roneil Rumburg |
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skyrice Fuck you. |
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kannandurairaj Kannan Durairaj |
jhornby Josh |
osmose Michael Kelly |
oknut Oleg Knut |
silje Silje Bjølseth Amundsen |
jrappo James Rappo |
bluemalkin Tom Murphy |