Some keywords: Android, Beer, Technology, Brewing, Hacking (Hardware, and Software), Fencing, Humour, and dare I say it, good looking girls ;^>
To the left of your body, to the right o
Following (12)
mubix Rob Fuller |
rnistuk Rich Nistuk |
kfalconspb Scott Bollinger |
jaysonstreet Jayson E. Street |
chromodynamix Brian Robson |
chrisellis Chris Ellis |
amon_ra Amon_RA |
koush |
hexter Heather Louise McClenahan |
theealex Alex Botten |
Followers (5)
zaatelnekraz Varsonofev Markell |
kfullamssmr Kristle Fullam |
rnistuk Rich Nistuk |
kfalconspb Scott Bollinger |
theealex Alex Botten |
Browse others (14)
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benitotebar Benito Tebar |
ch0n Austin Choncek |
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spapanik Stephanos Kuma |