Eric Ruck
Brilliant software engineer, OK gardener, cook and ultimate disc player, managed to raise triplets to adulthood without hardly maiming any of them.
Ramsey, Isle of Man
Following (17)
tylerjmartinux |
amarquez24 Aaron Marquez |
smead Scott Mead |
victorlechuga Victor Lechuga |
memandip |
jkuc |
bremine Barbara Slusar |
dylanflin7 |
wdomier Will Domier |
charliescerbo |
Followers (5)
amarquez24 Aaron Marquez |
jkuc |
memandip |
wdomier Will Domier |
charliescerbo |
Browse others (14)
generalantilles Ryan Abel |
leonskim Leon Kim |
joshgesler Josh Gesler |
sjokvistgs Sjokvist Garcia-Stewart |
arialla Iwona Pawłowska |
rbreslof Ray Breslof |
infantollie Kelvin Seyifunmi Oladipupo |
nekoneko Nekoneko |
caldj101 Jesse Caldwell |
mmb003 Maria Martin Barbera |
amandalacroix Amanda LaCroix |