Miguel de Navascués
Population geneticist. Interested in methods to analyse genetic data to study the demographic and adaptative history of populations.
Following (10)
mattyh Matthew Hartfield |
ferracimo Fernando Racimo |
ericjpetit |
benoit_nabholz |
aestoup Arnaud Estoup |
matteo_fumagalli Matteo Fumagalli |
rahufbauer Ruth Hufbauer |
tgunther Torsten Günther |
denisbourguet Denis Bourguet |
thguillemaud Thomas Guillemaud (PCI) |
Followers (4)
vitorpavinato Vitor Pavinato |
kellysidhu |
rahufbauer Ruth Hufbauer |
tgunther Torsten Günther |
Browse others (14)
mindasanzdnz Minda Santino |
raczoon Raczoon |
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tmannall Tom Mannall |
leftathome Steven Wagner |
maxplucci Max Plucci |