Kachalova Adelina
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.
Following (5)
toavozhak Arefev Polikarp |
raistlin Stefano Zanero |
jessie Jessie Frazelle |
vangheem Nathan Van Gheem |
schmidsi Simon Emanuel Schmid |
Followers (6)
frostedplan3t Ian |
syuonipomd Belokopytov Vladimir |
poatnal Shafonskaya Kassiya |
besanokvatnez Ushakov Izot |
madazerit Pushkina Roza |
dasopi daposi marlian |
Browse others (14)
ne99 Neyz cn |
jiquem Jean-Michel Kelbert |
h3artbl33d H3artbl33d Cyberthug Global Incorporated Enterprises Ltd |
cybertux Amin |
ctex_1120 aka Deplorable Froggy, Binu (pronounced B-new) |
m_galbin2 Michael Galbincea |
staninfinity Stan Jones |
fl0_ Fl0 |
kengoldfarb Ken Goldfarb |
silviogreuel Silvio Greuel |
bumtendo peeman |