Oliver Thamm
Software Architect and senior Ruby on Rails Developer. I am an API, Hypermedia and Ruby enthusiast and believe in a future of Plug & Play API's to solve all kinds of problems with software in no time.
Berlin, Germany
Following (9)
dgtlmobility |
martinzuern Martin Zürn |
dhg4227 Daniel Gorman |
fkauder Friedrich Kauder |
delaguardo Kirill Chernyshov |
10aboskin Andrew Boskin |
mreinsch Michael Reinsch |
christopherklaus Christopher Klaus |
ricardojmendez Ricardo J. Méndez |
Followers (8)
dgtlmobility |
ricardojmendez Ricardo J. Méndez |
dhg4227 Daniel Gorman |
delaguardo Kirill Chernyshov |
martinzuern Martin Zürn |
10aboskin Andrew Boskin |
mreinsch Michael Reinsch |
christopherklaus Christopher Klaus |
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