Theo Schlossnagle
Founder and CTO of Circonus.
Founder of OmniTI and Message Systems.
Meat lover. Scotch lover.
Fulton, MD, USA
Following (23)
pkhuong Paul Khuong |
mnot Mark Nottingham |
selenamarie Selena Deckelmann |
craigkerstiens Craig Kerstiens |
bakins Brian Akins |
colmmacc Colm MacCárthaigh |
yargevad Dave Gray |
dirkx Dirk-Willem van Gulik |
gnat Nathan Torkington |
whizz Michal Táborský |
Browse others (14)
niklasbuschmann Niklas Buschmann |
flav Flavio daCosta |
wdullaer Wouter Dullaert |
mauricex Maurice |
tommyhrablo Tommy Hráblo |
sbar87 Steve Barsamian |
nicoleatwhistle Nicole |
robpark Rob Park |
seeone SeeOne |
fullybaked Dave Baker |