Chris Reagan
Tennessee Guard Sergeant.
Private security contractor.
Irish prince.
Above average marksmanship capability.
"Give me liberty, or give me death"!
The father of a wonderful little boy.
Scatterbrained, with a shotgun.
Following (9)
lquessenberry Lee Quessenberry |
omegawolf141 |
michaelr Michael R |
mic21 |
erisxo |
ragnarly Ragnar Lifthrasir |
improguns improguns |
alansiefert Alan Siefert |
incarbonite |
Followers (6)
ohyeahthatguy . |
lquessenberry Lee Quessenberry |
alansiefert Alan Siefert |
incarbonite |
ragnarly Ragnar Lifthrasir |
erisxo |
Browse others (15)
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laasyareddy Laasya Reddy |
alnewkirk Al Newkirk |
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