UX designer with a visual design background. Hobbyist woodworker and musician.
Following (3)
akababa Ali Ivmark |
darshilv Darshil Vora |
glennsorrentino Glenn Sorrentino |
Followers (2)
darshilv Darshil Vora |
glennsorrentino Glenn Sorrentino |
Browse others (15)
aeden Anthony Eden |
zwindl Laser Phone |
selinachilds Selina Childs |
denzphee Dennis Padiernos |
cluna_aeropost Carlos Luna |
kuprijanovs Sergejs Kuprijanovs |
justine Justine Courty |
fredriktid Fredrik Tidemann |
fscm Frederico Martins |
djm Darian Moody |
deusexrenovatio J Brickley |