I have a curious mind and I am interested in many things. I like to learn about how things work and don't judge a book by its cover.
I would see myself as a open minded guy, how others see me is their perception.
Following (1)
panterravida PanTerraVida Private Society |
Followers (4)
mirek1414 mirek House of skolyszewski |
john_49 john robert, House of Sorensen |
patrick_02633 Ashay Az, House of Ki |
panterravida PanTerraVida Private Society |
Browse others (15)
mlaplante Michael LaPlante |
morris Andrew Morris |
andrew_golisz Drew |
delmimd Edith del Mar Behr |
nickvasicek Nick Vasicek |
adrian_lara Adrian Lara |
wilsonj12 Jim Wilson |
basilia Basilia Fernandez |
markvollmann Mark Vollmann |
creationmc1 CreationMC |