Sebastian Cordon
I work mostly on web applications, with a side serving of opensource libraries. Beer is always welcome.
Phoenix - US
Following (48)
dinahilleyxa12 Dina Hilley |
googlemail Jill guske |
dolartoday Carlos Hernandez |
johnsnowden John Snowden |
stephani Stephani Donovan |
mercantil Will Smith |
sofiavergara Sofia Vergara |
carenswift Caren Swift |
manimanito Mani Manito |
karenmontzaf31a Karen Motz |
Followers (35)
titianahgxc31 Titiana Greenfield |
peggyqui31654 Peggy Quijada |
marisareederxa23 Marisa Eder |
carenswift Caren Swift |
joymiddle2345rf Joy Middle |
googlemail Jill guske |
dolartoday Carlos Hernandez |
karenmontzaf31a Karen Motz |
johnsnowden John Snowden |
mercantil Will Smith |
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nbmyid Nikhil Bhoyar |
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ongjoe Joe Ong |
cmm5582 Christina |
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